Where Would You Like To Go?

August 27, 2012

Zazakely sa Ankizy

My baby girl is no longer a baby girl.  It's sad to report but ever so true.  She walks everywhere, to the point of when I try to pick her up she tells me "down mommy".  She talks all the time.  Her little words are so cute and she impresses us everyday (I'm sure alot of that has to do with us being 1st time parents!)  She has an opinion on what she wears, what shoes to put on, what bow she'd like and if she'd like one at all, what food she eats, what she'd like to play, and where each of us should sit.  This age has been lots of fun but also an ever present reminder of how much wisdom I lack as a mom.  I am continually throwing myself at the feet of His throne asking for wisdom from above.
Wisdom on how to encourage her to have her own voice and opinions 
Wisdom on how to teach her when her opinion isn't always going to win 
Wisdom on teaching her God's word through every aspect of her little 19 month old life
Wisdom on how to shower her with love, consequences, grace, & forgiveness
Praising Him for His promise in James 4 that says there will be a "harvest of righteousness" for those who heed His wisdom from above. 

1 comment:

  1. Pretty girl! I wish her a lot of health and God's blessings.


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