Where Would You Like To Go?

April 5, 2011

You'll be doing what, exactly?

This post ties into my previous one - so if you haven't read it, you might want to check it out first!

Our people group - the Mahafaly, number around 400,000.  They are considered an unreached people group, which means that less than 2% of this people group profess to have a relationship with Jesus Christ.

Once we're in Tulear, our daily journey's will differ...Steve will be spending time traveling out to the villages - (the closest is around 3-4 hours and the furtherst one is around 2-3 days travel). He'll be building relationships with the Mahafaly people and hopefully getting to the point where he's able to share the gospel with them. He'll do this through storying sets - Creation to Christ.

I will spend most of the time in Tulear taking care of Ryleigh and cooking...that'd be from scratch ;) - the only place we can purchase canned goods is the capital (about 8 -10 hours away). Ryleigh and I will take some trips out to the villages with Steve whenever possible. I'll also be updating everyone back at home through the blog and with our newsletter. ** By the way if you are not recieving our email newsletter and you'd like to - just comment and leave your email below!**

Words can't describe how excited we are to start this journey...your prayers are vital to this ministry and are greatly appreciated. I'll try my best to make sure all of you know what's going on, as much as possible. We appreciate you keeping up with us! Remember to keep the Mahafaly in your prayers - the Lord is doing great things and moving among this people group already!!

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