Where Would You Like To Go?

June 30, 2014

We Can Come!

One of the coolest stories of how God is moving in Mahafaly land (to me) happened while Steve was attending the fandevana a few weeks ago in Kilimary.  After Steve told me what happened, I knew I had to share it with you!

Towards the end of the fandevana, Steve was getting ready to leave.  He started talking with Etsifihezy, the church leader in Kilimary, about leaving.  An older gentleman from a nearby village, came up and started talking to Etsifihezy.  This man wanted to know who the vazaha was, how did Kilimary get him to come to their village, and what project he was working on, all the while unaware that Steve could understand everything he was saying.  The gentleman wanted the vazaha to come to his village and do whatever project he was doing in Kilimary.  He was from Besely, a village about 8km from Kilimary and one with over 2000 people.

Etsifihezy started explaining that Steve was not there because of a project but because of the gospel.  He said that Kilimary now had a Baptist church and they had a group of believers that met every Sunday.  The man from Besely, said that was good and Steve needed to come to their village because they needed a church there.

Etsifihezy then said, "No, we can come!  We can teach you the gospel."  He went on to explain that the group of believers from Kilimary had been going to another village (Andohasatra) and had been preaching there.  He told the inquiring gentleman that they did not need the vazaha to come there, that he (Etsifihezy) could share the gospel with the village of Besely.

Please keep praying for the church in Kilimary.  How awesome that they know that their strength and boldness comes from the Lord and not man!  Praising Him for the spread of His word among the Mahafaly!

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